Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Thursday 16th September
Wow! How incredible are the graphics in Second Life? Guess I'd need a second life to find the time to create or play in this type of world. As usual life on the Year 9 only campus is extremely demanding- the week has disappeared after days were consumed by a full school athletics carnival and a collaborative program. Despite the loss of class time the students enjoyed the social interaction with the girls from their sister school.
Hopefully Web 2.0 will receive more of my attention during the holiday period. Enjoy the break all fellow teachers!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

8th August
Only one more week of my Digital Story Telling . Dad will be excited by the many resurrected images utilized in its production. My conquering of igoogle is another matter - my page is now overwhelming; far too many pieces of information tend to render it useless.
Google oceans I enjoyed but I have yet to master the section called Gadgets. Hopefully the coming week will see me more productive in my acquisition of new skills.